Annabelle Marsden

It’s crazy to think just how much this two-week summer camp has impacted my life, but it truly has!

Annabelle Marsden - bn

It’s crazy to think just how much this two-week summer camp has impacted my life, but it truly has! After crying on the plane journey home after making so many new friends and memories I knew immediately that I wanted to sign up for the following year. The calendar could not be published quick enough!
From the courage Pueblo Inglés gave me, I have been travelling back to Spain since and have accepted opportunities that have taken me halfway around the world – leading me to where I am now.
I’m currently in Sevilla taking part in a three-month internship and it genuinely traces back to me signing the Pueblo Inglés volunteer application form.
I’m already brainstorming as to how I can get involved with this amazing company in the future (Perhaps once my Spanish skills are up to scratch ;))



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