Archive for category: Adults
Adult english language programs
When I was 4, I peed blood. It turned out something was wrong with my kidneys. I stopped school...
As a British, Muslim, Pakistani, I am trying my utmost best to fulfill my dream of travelling the...
This is how language should be taught, through conversations, play, fun, excitement in an informal setting
/ Adults, Canada, Testimonials / 0In 2013 I went to Spain to volunteer for Pueblo Inglés. This experience was for me one of the...
We consider ourselves world citizens. Home is where we both are, anywhere in the world
/ Adults, Netherlands, USA / 0A day without laughter is a day lost. It's a slogan Antoinette and I live by every day. One...
I drank and danced with people that were at the beginning of the week strangers
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0Pueblo Inglés, such a simple word with so much personal meaning that takes me through memory lane and puts...
I retired from Illinois Conservation Department as the founding Director of the Byron Forest Preserve District
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0What a wonderful way to spend some of your vacation time. I have been with Pueblo Ingles since...
In 2006 I bought a farm in SW France and converted it into an hotel
/ Adults, France, Testimonials, Volunteers / 0I used to be "in" computers - operating/programming/teaching/consulting, but in 2006 I bought a farm in SW France and...
I was a busy university nursing professor raising 2 kids and caring for my ill parents
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0My story begins backwards. I didn't start out even thinking about going to Spain so it came to...
I could contribute to help others and that my life would be more fulfilled through travel
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0The improvement in English skills was nothing less than amazing! I worked for 37 years in Information Technology, Manufacturing Management,...
Aloha ! After a wonderful career as a hospital pharmacist and getting my sons through college I finally have...
My woolly Sheep companion, Baa and I marvelled through the wonders of the world
/ Adults, Australia, Testimonials / 0My woolly Sheep companion, Baa and I marvelled through the wonders of the world in our travels in 2014....
My love affair with Spain started a few decades ago when I spent time living and teaching English in...
My deployments and/or assignments include Nuba Mountains in central Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq…
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I have attended three Pueblo Ingles week long training programs in Spain over the years beginning in 2007 and...
My name is Suna. I am a retired engineer. I live in Kirkland, Washington in USA. ...
This trip will be long remembered as one of my most unique & enriching weeks of to date
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I’m Jason an infectious diseases physician. I live in Seattle, WA. Though I’m not much of an outdoor adventurer,...
Traveling has become my new favourite hobby ever since going to Spain
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I'm 27 years old and live in Southern California. I love animals and have 3 dogs, 2 cats and...
One of the best experiences of my like was a hot air balloon trip over the Masai Mara in Kenya
/ Adults, England, Testimonials / 0I’m a university lecturer at Southampton Solent teaching Management business. I enjoy sport, meeting people, and travelling. I recently...
While in Munich I jumped in the Isar river where the current is strong enough to surf!
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I work for a local non-profit hospital. I enjoy hiking, photography, spinning, and travelling. My favourite cities are Munich...
I have been a language teacher, study-abroad program director and radio broadcaster. After completing a master degree in...
Before I start teaching I would like to travel around the worlds as much as I can
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I was born in Venezuela and moved to Florida at a very young age where I was exposed to...
I most recently travelled around South America where I stayed in the salt hotels
/ Adults, England, Testimonials / 0I live in Essex in England, and work in the city of London in finance. I enjoy travelling, running,...
I have travelled throughout the Far East, Europe, North America, and the Caribbean. I have retired from two adventurous...
My plan is to travel around Europe until I find a city that I like more than Melbourne
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I left Australia three months ago to travel indefinitely and picked Spain as my first destination. My plan is...
I have been working, volunteering, and travelling abroad since November 2014
/ Adults, Canada, Testimonials / 0Vengo de la costa oeste de Cánada y he estado trabajando, haciendo voluntariados y viajando por el mundo desde...
I had been looking for the right volunteer experience to do abroad. Pueblo Inglés was a truly amazing experience....
Soy una ingeniera informática con 2 hijas y actualmente vivo en el centro de Indiana. Me encanta viajar, conocer...
I grew up in a medium-sized college town in the Midwest of the United States, a place that cherished...
I have lived in NYC for the past five years. I moved there to study and work in fashion....
One of my goals with retirement was to travel and work on social interaction
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I worked for 33 years with limited time to travel. One of my goals with retirement was to travel...
I love meeting new people, talking, travel, the sun and… more talking!
/ Adults, Ireland, Testimonials / 0Hi I'm Pamela a 32 years old chatterbox from Ireland. I discovered Pueblo Inglés when I began to plan...
I like to talk , travel and meet people and discovering Pueblo Ingles was the perfect match made in...
Having taught in Australia for two years, I wanted a different perspective on teaching and learning (and a holiday)!...
I was sitting in my sister’s home in Texas trying to decide what adventure was next in line. I...
Sometimes, the thought of being in Europe all by myself scares me
/ Adults, Netherlands, Testimonials / 0Ever since I can remember I wanted to learn and speak different languages. I remember myself as a 5...
There is something very unique about the way that this program is run
/ Adults, Ireland, Testimonials / 0Coming to Pueblo Inglés Pueblo Inglés, I really didn’t know what to expect. The idea of helping Spanish natives...
I am an American immigrant living in Spain; neither a refugee, nor an asylum seeker
/ Adults, Testimonials, USA / 0I am an American immigrant living in Spain; neither a refugee, nor an asylum seeker. I am not running...
Llegué a un punto en mi vida en el que mi mapa del mundo ya no me servía. Te...
Fui asistente de vuelo y es un trabajo difícil para alguien que odia volar
/ Adults, South Africa / 0Trabajé en una aerolínea durante años, realizando tareas en distintos departamentos. Durante una temporada fui asistente de vuelo, y...