Lynne Thompson

I hope to come back and bring my husband too

Pueblo Inglés - This is Pueblo Inglés – Lynne Thompson

My love affair with Spain started a few decades ago when I spent time living and teaching English in Madrid right after college! My college friend had recommended I come to Madrid and teach and I am so glad she did! She married a Spaniard and she still lives in Madrid and I got to see them this time, after I volunteered at Pueblo Ingles. My husband and my daughter joined my son and I after Pueblo Ingles.

I loved volunteering in La Alberca so much, the people are so friendly and I felt like I never would have gotten to meet Spanish people in such a wonderful way, sharing meals and life stories! Our group became friends and we still keep in touch.  I hope to come back and bring my husband too. My son was at the teen session in La Alberca at the same time that I was at the adult one. He had a great time too! What a super program and experience! I have travelled quite a bit (my Dad is a pilot) but never like this!



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