Joseph Fonseca

I set off on a journey that would occupy the next decade of my life

Pueblo Inglés - This is Pueblo Inglés – Joseph Fonseca

I grew up in a medium-sized college town in the Midwest of the United States, a place that cherished art, music, and sports. The town was by most metrics, a great place to grow up and live. Though there was much to offer for someone seeking a steady life, I felt confined and had a relentless need to explore more. Two weeks after graduating from university and turning 22, I set off on a journey that would occupy the next decade of my life: 10 Cities / 10 Years. Every year, I moved to a new US city representing the varied perspectives and cultures of the country.

During these years, I bartended and served tables, worked in book and clothing retail, picked up gigs doing construction or working in warehouses, and even submitted myself to medical research studies. I had my share of romances, too. The costs and rewards of this journey are still being tallied, but it made me who I am, for better or worse. I’m still figuring out what’s next, hoping travel will remain an integral part of my life. Until I choose my next path, I’m grateful I found Pueblo Ingles to remind me why I travel, the experience of new people and cultures.



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