Taskeen Hussain

I want to show the world who a true British Muslim is

As a British, Muslim, Pakistani, I am trying  my utmost best to fulfill my dream of travelling the world one step at a time fighting through the struggles we face on a daily basis. So that is what I am doing.

Whilst being a full time University student in Manchester, UK, I am also working part time as a Customer Service advisor purely to fund my travelling goals.

Whilst blogging for companies as a Freelancer also pays some bills, I am also aspiring to start my own Blog on all things Travel & Lifestyle, however my own blog will include a little twist which would see me talking freely about true cultural and religious view points on certain aspects of a young Muslimahs lifestyle.

I want to show the world who a true British Muslim is and I am slowly but surely achieving that goal by travelling and simply talking to fellow travelers.

Be sure to follow my story over on Instagram @MissTaskeenH



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