Isa Tagari

But we remembered the saying, Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

My name is Isa and I am from the UK. I am keen to explore opportunities that provide social interaction and help me to travel. As you will see Pueblo Ingles provided me with an excuse to come to Spain and plenty of Social interaction.

Firstly, I was asked if I wanted to attend the pre-meet and flamingo show the day before. I said yes and there I was in shorts, in the heat of the Madrid sun at this restaurant where I met my fellow Anglos. It was nice to get to meet before the camp as this meant that I already got to know some people before I even got on the bus to the hotel. The flamingo show was amazing, the bailaor (dancer) poured his heart and soul into his performance. His fellow performers sang and played their instruments with great passion too. It, was, amazing.

The next day, I met several Spanish-speaking people on the bus ride to the hotel. A long scenic drive played out in front of my eyes, and upon arriving at the hotel, I was amazed. We were in the middle of a national park at a hotel called Las Salegas Del Maguillo. I could hear the sound of nature all around me, and I could feel the heat of the Spanish sun. I met my roommates and was assigned to a cosy, beautiful villa.

Every day we woke up to the Spanish sun and walked to the meeting room area, where everyone ate together. We then did several activities as well as various 1- 1 sessions. These sessions were amazing as they allowed everyone to constantly get to know people who may not have spoken to each other yet. During these 1-to-1s, we talked about things we find interesting and lots of gossip (all friendly of course). At the end of the day, many of us talked late into the evening about our lives and others partied HARD.

The best part of the whole program by far and unparalleled in every way, was when Graham, our program director, acted in a show about Robin Hood. Never have I laughed so hard at a performance. It was a brilliant end to the last night of the program and I hope to see him next year.

The last day of the program was filled with a mixture of sadness and love. But we remembered the saying, Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. We took a bus journey back before some of us decided that we needed to have one last goodbye, so we went out to eat at a local restaurant. Many also went to the bar and after a long night (2 am) I had to take my flight home.

I have also seen on Instagram that many people have met up with each other even though many live 100s of miles away from each other. If anything I think this shows the strength of the bonds formed. I loved this program and I am going to attend next summer, but hopefully for longer.



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