Life Is An Adventure!
I live in Arizona where I love the outdoors! I am a Program Manager at a major healthcare company and run two small businesses on the side (saving for retirement…lol). I have two grown daughters and three grandchildren (with a fourth one on the way in November!).
I’ve always tried to expose myself, my children, and my grandchildren to as many unique experiences as possible. I’ve experienced skydiving eight times, a 10-day Vision Quest in the Sonoran Desert, traveling to China four times, and many other visits to Europe for business and pleasure. Each of these experiences has been humbling, to say the least, and has helped to keep the rest of my life in perspective.
I enjoy traveling and helping others to develop their personal and professional skills. As a matter of fact, my line of work is corporate training and development.
Last year I taught English in Germany for the first time and decided it was a wonderful way to accomplish both travelling and helping others.
This will be my first time in Spain and I am looking very forward to it!